Online Filing and Payment

Most banks allow you to file and pay government returns online. Once you sign into your corporate bank account, look for a link to the “Tax Payment and Filing” system. This system can be used for filing and paying the following: HST, payroll, EHT, corporate tax (federal and provincial). Caution: The payment will be dated the next business day.

If your payment is due today, you may be able to make an Interac payment through CRA’s My Payment service at  This is available only through certain financial institutions, and you must have sufficient transaction limit at your bank to cover the payment. If you pay using this service, you will need to file your return online with CRA rather than through your bank.

Mailing a Cheque to CRA

Make the cheque payable to the Receiver General and write your Business Number (e.g. 12345 6789 RC0001) on the back of the cheque. Mail to the following address:

Canada Revenue Agency
875 Heron Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1B1